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Essex County
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Connected Places Catapult
National Highways
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Huge Milestone! Our decarbonisation solution for asphalt, ACLA®, was used by National Highways on a UK motorway. Industry leaders National Highways, Tarmac and Skanska have piloted the use of ACLA® by using it as part a major motorway network resurfacing project.
Asphalt containing ACLA® was tested rigorously by Tarmac and Skanska with close support of National Highways Safety Engineering & Standards team as part of the Accelerating Low Carbon Innovation Programme, run by Connected Places Catapult.
The pilot project took place on June 12th as part of National Highways M11 resurfacing works. The laying of the asphalt in the trial was a massive success and future projects with National Highways and partners are being explored.
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